According to Orthodox Christian belief, the purpose of life is to glorify God and to become more like Him. This message is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, who said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). In other words, the goal of life is to cultivate a deep and loving relationship with God, reflecting His love, mercy, and grace in our own lives.
I am sorry to share with you that accumulating material possessions, things or having the most active posts on social media has nothing to do with what God intended for us all.
To achieve this purpose, we are called to live a life of faith, prayer, repentance, and virtue. By seeking to know God through prayer, worship, and scripture study, believers develop a deeper understanding of His will and purpose for their lives. Through repentance and confession, they acknowledge their sins and shortcomings, seeking forgiveness and reconciliation with God.
By practicing virtues such as humility, compassion, and love, we strive to imitate the character of Christ and become vessels of His grace in the world.
Central to this understanding of the purpose of life is the concept of theosis, or deification. This idea, rooted in the teachings of the early Church Fathers, suggests that the ultimate goal of the Christian life is to become like God, to participate in His divine nature, and to be united with Him in a deep and transformative way. As St. Athanasius famously wrote, “God became man so that man might become god.”
Be careful however here and read carefully. Theosis is not about achieving a status of equality with God, but rather about growing in likeness to Him, in holiness and virtue.
It is a lifelong process of spiritual growth and transformation, in which believers are called to cooperate with the grace of God, working out their salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). It is not a static moment but a dynamic one. Through this process, Orthodox Christians seek to purify their hearts, minds, and souls, aligning themselves with the will of God and becoming more fully the people He created them to be .
The purpose of life from an Orthodox Christian perspective is also intimately tied to the idea of vocation or calling. In our faith, every person is seen as having a unique purpose and role to fulfill in God’s plan for the world. This vocation may take many forms – as a parent, spouse, grandparent, worker, electrician plumber, artist, teacher, or in any other role or profession – but the key is to discern and embrace it with faithfulness and dedication.
By fulfilling one’s vocation with humility and love, Orthodox Christians believe they can bring glory to God and contribute to the building of His kingdom on earth.
Furthermore, we understand that the purpose of life is not only about individual salvation but also about the salvation and redemption of the entire world. This communal aspect of the Christian faith is reflected in the belief in the Church as the body of Christ, where believers are called to live in unity and love with one another, supporting and encouraging each other in their spiritual journeys.
By participating in the life of the Church – through worship, sacraments, and acts of service – we seek to be transformed together into the likeness of Christ, bearing witness to His love and truth in the world.
In Orthodox theology, the purpose of life is ultimately about communion with God and union with Him. It is not some earthy make believe story but one which is rooted in faith, tradition and history. This union is not just a future hope or promise but a present reality that can be experienced in prayer, worship, and the sacraments. Through these spiritual practices, believers can enter into the presence of God, experiencing His love, peace, and joy in a deep and intimate way. This communion with God nourishes and sustains the soul, filling it with the grace and strength needed to fulfill its purpose and vocation in the world.
In the Orthodox Christian tradition, the purpose of life is also understood in eschatological terms – that is, in relation to the final destiny of humanity and the cosmos. We believe in the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment, where all people will be called to give an account of their lives before God. Those who have cultivated a deep and loving relationship with God, who have sought to live in accordance with His will and purposes, will be welcomed into the eternal joy of His presence. Those who have rejected God and His love, who have chosen to live in selfishness and sin, will face the consequences of their choices.
The vision of the Orthodox Church is one of hope and redemption, of a creation restored and renewed in Christ. It is not a vision based on the harsh judgement of God but rather on his promise of eternal life for all. The purpose of life, from an Orthodox Christian perspective, is to participate in the unfolding of this divine plan, to be co-workers with God in the building of His kingdom, and to share in the eternal life and joy that He offers to all who love Him. This vision shapes the way Orthodox Christians understand their lives and the world around them, giving them a sense of purpose and meaning that transcends the passing concerns and challenges of this present age.
This vision of the Christian life gives believers a deep sense of hope and purpose, guiding them in their journey toward the fullness of salvation and the eternal kingdom of God. Let us all redirect our efforts to our ultimate purpose…to be one with God.